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[英文] 韩国旅游英语情景对话2 [複製鏈接]

韩国旅游英语情景对话2:& Z( L1 I9 m& _0 O! O3 v

1 |! F) d4 l9 G& {& W" g
4 K  E% L( ]8 F( F# [3 [, s
  Spending two days in South Korea.Jason has got used to the South Korean life style.But he gets really confused at the eating habitat of the South Korean people.SO he asks his friend Kim in Seoul about this.
9 |* w: _; P8 f8 f/ H. `  在韩国待了两天之后,贾森已经习惯了韩国的生活方式。但是他还是很好奇韩国人的饮食习惯,于是他向在首尔的朋友金询问了一些问题.
, Q$ Z8 Q& ^: i! \7 g  Jason:Do you guys eat the seasoned vegetables every day?: {& ^1 P2 T% b/ a  }' s0 O& p
: m0 U, T0 x, ~, S& \  Kim:Actually we South Korean people call the seasoned vegetables kimchi.We like having them nearly every meal.9 ^5 ?: ~$ q0 W: z: u* c
( }/ x; `3 U7 w- R  Jason:Why do you love them so much? I have tried them once. They seem to be too salty for me.
8 X6 ~! j' z: m  贾森:你们为什么那么喜欢吃这个?我吃过一次,我觉得有点儿太咸了。$ Q* L4 J! g1 d* p3 i
  Kim:This is along story. We have been making and eating kimchi for a really long time. Kimchi has become an integral part of our life. We even cannot live without them. To tell you a story. The South Korean national Olympic team couldn't stand the food in London and sneaked out for kimchi during the London Games.# O: R8 T0 S' K" b, n) ^' P
% O4 n$ j* U3 W  Jason:That is really interesting.- h. N  [( z: n; ^/ }0 R; y# H9 n
9 V- D$ O8 j7 i5 o5 }1 D# ^& x0 ?. h+ X9 c5 q7 u
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